Voter Information
Getting Reacquainted with the Kansas House District Maps
Dennis Miller is running for re-election to be your House 14 Representative.
Where is Kansas House District 14?
- It is completely within the city limits of Olathe.
- It is all south of K-10.
- It has been “stretched” south to 127th street in most precincts.
- It goes west to take in much of the Cedar Creek area.
Can I vote for Dennis Miller?
- Find out if you can be a Dennis Miller voter by checking your registration.
- Go to the Kansas Secretary of State VoterView website.
- Fill in your Name, and Date of Birth as directed, then Look Me Up
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page for a section like the one below labeled “Districts”
- If your screen says Kansas Representative 14 as this one does, you can be a Dennis Miller voter!